Ryu BMP Server

What is this.

Ryu BMP Server is a simple BMP server. Now it supports BMPv3. It is implemented using Ryu SDN Framework. Tested with Cisco ASR1000 (IOS-XE 3.13S) and Juniper MX960 (JUNOS 13.3R1.8).


BMP(BGP Monitoring Protocol) is a protocol to monitor BGP routers. It can get a full dump of adj-rib-in. Check here for the BMP spec.

How to use.

You can use Ryu BMP Server by installing Ryu. There are several ways to install Ryu. The easiest way is to use our docker image.

1.install docker

$ apt-get install docker.io

2.pull our docker image

$ docker pull osrg/ryu

3.run the container, publish a container's port, then login

$ docker run -it -p 11019:11019 osrg/ryu /bin/bash

4.run Ryu BMP Server

$ ryu run ./ryu-master/ryu/app/bmpstation
use--verboseoption to show logs in stdin.
$ ryu run --verbose ./ryu-master/ryu/app/bmpstation


You can use environmental variables to configure Ryu BMP server.

  • 1.change listening host and port

    By default, Ryu BMP server listens on UseRYU_BMP_SERVER_HOSTandRYU_BMP_SERVER_PORTto change this behaviour.
  • 2.change log location

    UseRYU_BMP_OUTPUT_FILE to change the location of log file.